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(Занимљиво би било устврдити и зашто пише „грађанке и грађани”, а не „грађани и грађанке”, пошто је потоње логичније и према абецедном и према азбучном реду; ови овде „грађанке и грађани” очито мисле да је политички коректно да „даме имају предност”, што је много ближе идејама ситнобуржоаског патријархата него стварном смислу равноправности полова, но то је овде најмањи проблем.)

☦ Св. муч. Акилина; Св. Трифилије, епископ левкосијски; Св. свештмуч.

Кључне речи целог огласа су, наравно, „деструктивни руски утицаји”, а скраћени апелаши у жаркој жељи да је велика геополитичка промена на помолу само желе да имају црно на бело како су први стали у ред пред новим (или новим-старим?) господаром

“With the introduction of curriculum dedicated to AI together with other new systems, we’re psyched to see what students will Develop to share with their communities and the planet.” Beginning this drop, each and every Apple Developer Academy scholar will reap the benefits of personalized-built curriculum that teaches them how to build, teach, and deploy equipment Understanding types throughout Apple gadgets. Courses will involve the basics of AI systems website and frameworks; Main ML and its capability to supply speedy overall performance on Apple equipment; and steering on how to Make and coach AI styles from the ground up. Learners will learn from guided curriculum and task-centered assignments which include help from countless mentors and over twelve,000 academy alumni all over the world. While using the introduction of new Apple technologies and APIs declared at WWDC24, college students will also have a lot more use of tools that empower them to make exceptional initiatives and apps. This consists of Xcode 16, which sets a completely new regular for developer efficiency. These functions and efficiency enhancements also incorporate Swift Guide, which serves for a companion for all of a developer’s coding jobs, and simply enables learners to check out new frameworks and experiment with new Thoughts. Also, Swift 6 introduces new capabilities geared toward maximizing code clarity and earning concurrent programming less difficult. Apple is part of each stage of the scholar journey, whether it’s exploring the fundamentals of application development in Apple’s world-wide Foundations program, increasing their abilities at Apple Developer Academies, or taking their apps to the next degree. Media

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